#blueexperiencesbcn to love the Barcelone sea

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charterinad.com does a shared fishing trip barcelone“#fishingworkshopbcn for amateurs fishermen . We practiced different fishing techniques : trolling fishing and bottomfishing . 

By trolling fishing  with artifical bite We had three catch of mahi mahi but..We lost it! ..With the bottomfishing We caught nice redseabream , snappers and a lot of combers. Come to fish to #mediterranean sea with us..! We are open all year!

The Jannuary’s month in Barcelone, We can fish: red snapper, black seabream, snappers with the fishing technique: Bottom fishing and with the deep trolling fishing and a lot of pacience..We will try to catch : Dentex and mackerel .

charterinad.com has a lot of nautical experiences for doing This winter in the Barcelone sea. We organize : private fishing charters, shared fishing trip and nautical event to enjoy in the Barcelone sea.

Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930

Mail: dani@charterinad.com

Phone: +34 651 91 29 10