Home / Barcelona Fishing Charters / Techniques to fish in Barcelona / Bottom fishing -Technicals for fishing in Barcelona

Technical : bottom fish

Description The bottom fish is a traditional technical with fresh bait. To catch by bottom fish , it ’s necessary a system with 2 or 3 hooks in the rig and one lead.

Barcelona has several fishing areas that are characterized by the background is hard. We have the coordinates of numerous points of fishing/hot spots, recorded in the GPS of the boat to facilitate its localization. We move from one to another in search of the best fishing.

Fishes: With this technical we can catch: red sea bream, black sea bream, hake, white snapper, mackerels.

The equipment: 

The technical of bottom fish, We need a rod with sensitive tip for looking when the fish tast the bait. The reel has a low recovery rate, to collect the rig and the catch with facility.  The line is little elastic because it’s better when the fish tast the bait and we can look it in the tip of the rod. Our fishing guide make our rigs, with hooks the best quality.

bait: Squid . In the winter the fishing guide cauhgt the squid in Barcelone, for after he uses squid as fresh bait. The fishing guide cuts the squid into strips, so that he has a good movement in the background.Another bait is: prawns, la sardina/sardine and worms.

Fishing Technique: The skipper: @skipperinad places the boat above the fishing zone. The rods are all the way to the bottom/the lines are set to the bottom. When the fish tast the bait, the tip of the rod vibrates, you do a fast strike..

When Do you catch by bottom fish in Barcelona: Season for the bottom fish: All year in Barcelone, but in the winter we catch white fishes: snapper, red seabream, black seabream. And in the summer if posible catch blue fish: Mackerel, horse mackerel.

Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930

Mail: dani@charterinad.com

Phone: +34 651 91 29 10