Fish: Mackerel – Scomber Scombrus
Description Common Pelagico fish in the Mediterranean. He lives in numerous groups. It has a green loin, crossed by numerous irregular black streaks. He’s got a pearly white belly. He is a great swimmer, to the point that he has no swimming bladder or ability to move the guts to breathe. If he stopped swimming, he would sink and stop circulating the air for his guts, so he would suffocate.
Size: It’s a modest-sized fish, between 30 and 45cm.
Diet: it is a planctófago fish par excellence. It feeds on zooplankton: krill, fish larvae and small cefalopodoss that capture between two waters. Adult also chases the sardines and other fish.
When Do you catch it in Barcelona: From the end of March to November
Fishing Technique: Fishing Technique: At the beginning of the season with the cold waters, it is deep-sea fishing with light jigging: “submachine gun”/light jigging “Sabikis”. As of June when the waters are heated, it is fished to the trolling of surface .
As food: Being blue fish has fat “Omega 3” that besides being very healthy, makes it very suitable for cooking to the grill. It is also baked and marinated.