Home / Barcelona Fishing Charters / What can you fish in Barcelona? / Catch Common Pandora in Barcelona

Fish: Common Pandora / Pagellus erythrinus

Description The common Pandora or also called Red Sea bream is a fish of the Sparidae family (sea bream). It’s a popular food fish in Mediterranean countries, with delicate white flesh. It has a slim, oval fusiform body, with a smallish mouth and scales covering its face. The Colour: It is silver with a pink tinge, particularly on its back. The common pandora is a hermaphrodite, spending the first two years of its life as a female, and the third year as a male.

Size: 50cm. maximum 3 kg

Diet: It is omnivorous, but mainly feeds on smaller fish and benthic invertebrates , squid..

When Do you catch it in Barcelona: All year. The best month are: from November to May.

Fishing Technique: Bottom fish with natural bite.

As food: grill and oven with vegetables.

Common Pandora’s video:


Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930

Mail: dani@charterinad.com

Phone: +34 651 91 29 10