Fish: Grouper/ Epinephelus guaza /


captura de un mero en Barcelona por

Description Fish of the family of the Serranidae and in the order Perciformes. It’s very popular in the kitchen for its exquisite flavor and among the divers by its sociable character. It Has a rounded and voluminous body. It Is Brown in color with clear spots spread by the body in an irregular way. The belly is yellowish. He’s got a big mouth. He Lives in the underwater caves.

Size: 1,2m i 35 kg

Diet:it’s a voracious predator of fishes.. It predations on all kinds of fish that are put at their fingertips. The groupers habitually eat octopuses and crustaceans.

When Do you catch it in Barcelona: All year.

Fishing Technique: jigging , deep trolling,and trolling with live bait

As food: It’s a very appreciated fish in the kitchen. It Is mainly cooked in the oven among many other ways.

video of Grouper catch in Barcelone for


Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930


Phone: +34 651 91 29 10