Information Sportfishing in Barcelona
In these courses you will learn to prepare a fishing trip, the type of material and techniques to catch fish depending on your location and the time.
For all this we will have all the necessary equipment for each person, and a very comfortable boat to develop the fishery and teaching.
A professional guide fisherman, with a long experience, will teach the best techniques and the types of fish that can be found by the waters of the coast of Barcelona.

Organize introductory and advanced courses for those fishermen who want to start or improve sport fishing and specialist fishing techniques such as jigging or spinning.
Family Fishing Workshop Barcelone
We present a Family fishing workshop for parents & children 3h We want families to come and have fun, learn and live a great experience to fishing from boat. and the sport fishing staff will prepare the fishing material: rods, natural and artificial baits, reels and lines more and a graphic material so that you know the species that inhabit the sea of Barcelona.
We want families to connect to nature, knowing the marine environment and it’s fragilities, to learn to respect and protect it while we sail through the Mediterranean Sea of Barcelona, and to practice sustainable fishing .
The fishing workshops and family courses of sport fishing in Barcelona are held in the middle of each month, when the weather conditions are the best for doing a safety fishing tour and where parents and children can enjoy the sea, the fishing experience with total comfort.This fishing experience has a duration of: 3h1/2.
Family workshops for initiation and improvement of sport fishing will be: about 3h , start around 10:00am – and end around 13:00am. We also do shared fishing trip in the afternoon . We start around : 15:30pm.
The price of family fishing courses: Parents & children is : 175€/ one adult one children. has a rent boat for doing fishing trips in Barcelona. We maybe have a gift cards.
Enjoy to Barcelone sea with a big yacht and an expert fishing guide.
Special Prices of shared Fishing tours Barcelone.
- 1 Pack for One Fisherman
- Person: 1
- Price: 100 €
- Hours: 3h1/2 hours
- Fishing guide
- Material of fishing
- License of fishing
- Skipper, fuel, insurance
- Drinks
- Contact
- 2 Packs for 2 Fishermen
- Person: 2
- Price: 190 €
- Hours: 3h1/2 hours
- Fishing guide
- Material of fishing
- License of fishing
- Skipper, fuel, insurance
- Drinks
- Contact
- 3 Packs for 3 Fishermen
- Personas: 3
- Precio: 280 €
- Hours: 3H1/2 hours
- Fishing guide
- Material of fishing
- License of fishing
- Skipper, fuel, insurance
- Drinks
- Contact
Fishing Workshop Barcelona
The schedule of courses is:
- 05 September 2020 at 09:00am
- 04 Octuber 2020 at 09:00am
- 25 Octuber 2020 at 09:00am
- 1 November 2020 at 09:00am
From November , the fishing workshops of will have no date, and will be organized on the basis of the demand. In order to carry out the fishing trips from place to place, we must gather a minimum of 5 fishermen. Currently, and due to the restrictions that are causing the covid-19 pandemic and the new measures implemented by the state and autonomic governments, introduced on 15 October 2020, we are obliged to offer a maximum of 5fishermen.
The courses shall be subject to form groups of at least 5 people and the forecast will be ok.
Concept | Price |
Fishing Workshop Barcelona with the Menorquin Yacht: Incluye:
90€/p.p (Máx. 8 pers.) |
All prices are VAT included
Our fishing guide is Toni Alavedra, multimodality a fisherman with a long and extensive career.
Fishing technicals
The sport fishing techniques that we practice in the fishing yacht: Menorquin Yacht 150, and which we will describe below are:
- 1- Bottom fishing.
- 2- Trolling fishing.
- 3- Jigging.
- 4- Spinning .
- 5- Drifting .
Information about our shared fishing Trip Barcelone
Sports Fishing Tours Barcelone are experiences for novice to experienced angler
Charters and nautical events Ideal for families & groups.
Sports Fishing Tours Barcelone by are experiences in the Barcelone on your half day fishing tour. With our fishing charters your hosts : @skipperinad and Toni’s fishing guide.
We encourage catch & release. We support a sustainable fishing resource ..but You can Keep your catch ..always your fishes have legal size.
the fishing workshop Bcn to including different fishing styles: Trolling deep, jigging, spinning and targeting certain fish species from small groups. Fishing methods include live-bait/ dead – bait fishing , bottom fishing , jigging as well as lure and poppers fishing with surfaces lures .
We supply on all fishing charters bait & tackle , top quality rods & reels and our experienced fishing guide and the profesional captain : @skipperinad.
Our expert crew know the best fishing spots and Where the fish are. ..and will take you there. Our fishing charters are a great experience for kids and our crew are happy to teach them some skills. In the yacht We have safety jacquet for kids. organizes the first Saturday of each month, course fishing kite fishing guide from a big fishing yacht. . The Alavedra Toni’s fishermen guide has produced an information dossier, with explanations and the most basic tips to get started in fishing the kite from a boat. The information dossier consists of the following index:
- explanation of the fishing zones in the sea of Barcelona.
- Presentation material for fishing
- type of fish
Then title and summary, we will explain the basic features and required to practice fishing kite material.
Kite Fishing is good because Barcelona is influenced by rivers: Llobregat and Besos. This freshwater input fertilizes the sea area and enriches their productivity. Furthermore, it benefits from the fact that is not allowed in front of commercial fishing Barcelona coastline, thereby encouraging, a larger number of fish. Bottom fishing is done mainly on rocky bottom. The rocks in the Barcelona area, the front of the Forum found at a depth of about 50m, and the area of Badalona and Masnou.
MATERIAL needed for bottom fishing is:
Reed: It is tip action. A resistance proportional to the line or power lead weight. Their length varies depending on the number of hooks, and our experience. The most common is longuitud rods between: 1.80 and 3 meters. Reeds is suitable who are made of carbon and are very light.
The Reel: With respect to the spool, the most important is that is lightweight and medium sized. one example is the Shimano bjen: Size 4000.
Thread: Use the type: Dyneema (trenado). It is an opaque string and is characterized by its elasticity and reduced diameter. These qualities are trasnmitem chopped with greater sensitivity. The “on line” compose about 6 feet Nylon transparent thread diameter and 0.30mm. Trenado resistance wire is about 10kg (20lliures).
The kite:’s system itself. The form a set of between 1 and 4 hooks, attached to a rather long kite, which in turn is tied to a main line. The extent or size of the hooks varying number 8 to number 5.
Lead. The double lead weight in grams to the depth in meters, which intend to fish. An example: if you fish at a depth of 50m, use a lead of 100 grams. It is interesting to take a rotating lead.
The Knot: Used to attach the trenado thread and transparent line low. The name of the node, we use, is: Al-bright. Attached is a link, to see the development of this classic fisherman knot.
The bait: Squid strips are mainly used Patagonia. This bait can be purchased frozen in large commercial cone Siren. It is a very good consistency bait, practical and attractive to all kinds of fish. Another excellent bait is fresh shrimp and white and is available in fish markets. Also, squid and shrimp, we may also use the worms. There are many kinds and for all tastes, but would highlight the American worm, by giving good results with the catch of scup
Salabre: It’s another tool you always will have on board, and use it mainly for those catches a nice size. Must be given when empezemos salabre get the fish out of water, in order not to lose to upload it to the deck. We strongly recommend that salabre mesh is a soft tissue, to avoid damaging the skin of the fish, if we return it to the water alive.
Fish. One of the most common capture, by their greed and wealth is the Serrano. The pajel, however is much more selective, and very popular among anglers. This fish is usually fish in gravel bottoms and around the rocks. The bream is quite common in Barcelona, and is found in sandy bottoms, like the spider fish, you have to go very carefully to be verenoso. In summer and autumn season is mackerel and jacks that occupy the waters of Barcelona. Occasionally, you can also capture hake.