Fish: Bluefin tuna / Tunnus thynnus/
Description The Bluefin Tuna is a Powerful predator of great size and it is voracious and very active. We can find it in waters of all the world’s oceans.. Able to swim at high speed when chasing their prey and moving over long distances.. An active and agile predator, the tuna has a sleek, streamlined body, and is among the fastest-swimming pelagic fish. The Bluefin Tuna is very popular as a game fish.
Size: The sizes of Bluefin tuna is around a maximum ranging from length: 3 m weight: 300kg.
Diet: Its basic diet is made up of pelagics gone fish such as sardines, boquerones and mackerels, as well as squids; Because it is a specialized predator; A wide variety of fish species from different habitats have been found in their diet.
When Do you catch it in Barcelona: From mid-June to mid-October.
Fishing Technique: Spinning, /Big Game and deep sea trolling.
As food: being prepared in a variety of ways for the sake of achieving specific flavors or textures. From eating raw/sashimi, to grilling, Marmitaco, or canned.
Videos de la pesca del atún: