Drifting Tuna fishing Barcelona by charterinad.com 

Home / Blog / Drifting Tuna fishing Barcelona by charterinad.com 

charterinad.com does private fishing charters Barcelona to catch: Tuna by fishing technique: Drifting. We do two kind: Anchored and also Unanchored. This fishing techniques is very difficult but You have a lot of probability to catch a big tuna. We schedule big game fishing – to catch Tuna by Drifting fishing technique only the May month . It’s the best month to catch a big tuna in Barcelona .The fishing yacht: Blavis – Viking Yacht / Port Fòrum Barcelone marina is ready to catch tuna. We have all:  The profesional fishing guide, Special Rods Tuna, the sardine for bait..and we Know the fishing spots to catch Tuna by Drifting fishing technique…We will organize you a great fishing adventure in the Barcelona sea

The Big game fishing has a duration about: 8hours – to 9 hours. We navigate around 12 milles to go to fishing spot and 12 more to back to the port. 

We are to fish with a deep around 100m . Enjoy to fish a big tuna with charterinad.com & fishing staff: 

-Toni Alavedra – Fishing guide . 

-Dani Marín – “@skipperinad “ – Profesional captain. 

-Blavis – The fishing Yacht : Viking Yacht 43 from : Barcelona Harbor: Port Forum Marina.

charterinad.com has two options to fish the big tuna: 


  • TUNA Fishing trip Private 7h/8h. : Fishing technique: Drifting – Unanchored and with bait: Sardine.: 1350€ 
  • TUNA Fishing trip Private 8h/9h:  Fishing technique: Drifting – Anchored and with bait: Sardine & two fishing guide: 1935€
  • The fishing tuna charter is : Catch& Release – No Dead. 
  • We need a good weather conditions . 

Deep fishing game- Tuna charter. Description OPTION 1

Fishing technique: Drifting – Unanchored and with bait: Sardine. Price: 1350€/ for 9 fishermen – (150€ /each Fishermen + VAT: 31,50€= 181,50€ ) 


1- Fishing Staff: one fishing guide: Toni Alavedra  & one profesional captain : @skipperinad.

2- Big Fishing Yacht: Blavis – Viking Yacht 43 from Port Forum Marina.

3- Fishing Material: two/three special fishing Tuna. & 6 fishing rods for jigging

4- Bait : Around 20kg/25kg Sardine.

5- Gasoil – 125l – Estimated diesel consumption.

More: Fishing license , insurance

And drinks.

Not Included: Food , VAT /TAXA.


Navigation:25 milles – 1h:15-1h20’ to go the fishing spot and 1h30’ to back to the harbor Port Forum : Total: 2h30′

Catch live bait: Mackerel by jigging or bottom fishing : 15’-25′

Prepared two special tuna rods with live bait and prepared & throw the sardine

Tuna’s time : 4hours. 

The second option:  Fishing technique: Drifting – Anchored and with bait: Sardine. Price: 1935€ ( 215€+ VAT 21% 45,15= 260€ .


1- Fishing Staff: Two fishing guide: Toni Alavedra  & Albert +  one profesional captain : @skipperinad.

2- Big Fishing Yacht: Blavis – Viking Yacht 43 from Port Forum Marina.

3- Fishing Material: FOUR / FIVE  special fishing Tuna. & 6 fishing rods for jigging

4- Bait : Around 20kg/25kg Sardine.

5- sardine machine. & special material for anchoring. 

6- Gasoil – 125l – Estimated diesel consumption.

More: Fishing license , insurance And drinks + fruits and snacks . 

Not Included: Food – Sandwiches ,VAT /TAXA.


Navigation: 25 milles nautical. 1h:15-1h20’ to go the fishing spot and 1h30’ to back to the harbor Port Forum : Total: 2h30′

Catch live bait: Mackerel by jigging or bottom fishing : 15’-25′

Prepared two special tuna rods with live bait and prepared & throw the sardine

Tuna’s time : 4hours. 


Navigation: 1h:15-1h20’ to go the fishing spot and 1h30’ to back to the harbor Port Forum : Total: 2h30′

Catch live bait: Mackerel by jigging or bottom fishing : 15’-25’

The special Actions to Anchoring the fishing yacht : 30’ + 30’ 

Prepared four / five  special tuna rods with live bait . 

Prepared & throw the sardine with the special machine. 

Tuna’s time : 4-5hours

Total Fishing time: 9hours. 

Charterinad.com had 12 years of experiences doing fishing charters Barcelone from Port Forum Marina . Since 2023 charterinad.com had a new fishing yacht : The Yacht : Viking Yacht 43- Blavis . Come to fishing in Barcelone with the best fishing crew and the big fishing yacht. Charterinad.com is your company to fish in Barcelona.

More information in our website: charterinad.com and you can follow us:

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Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930

Mail: dani@charterinad.com

Phone: +34 651 91 29 10