Post COVID-19 By

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From we want to be able to sail soon, fish and enjoy fun and exciting days at sea … for this and during this post-covid transition period we want to focus our efforts on:

1- New hygienic measures to transmit security and confidence to all our clients.

2- Reduce overcrowding of shared groups, promoting private yacht outings.

3- Create a protocol of conduct on board, to reduce contact.

We will establish guidelines to set security measures for clients and workers in order to guarantee a minimum distance, clear and disinfect spaces and environments, and we will make personal protection equipment available to our clients and workers. Our nautical services: boat trips, fishing excursions and nautical events will be considered COVID-FREE- where our yacht and our nautical charters are safe and offer the highest possible health confidence.

Health safety will be our added value to our nautical charters and a “sine qua non” condition. We will offer on board a cleaning kit and EPI’S – Individual protection elements – available to our clients so that they can enjoy the nautical activity with the greatest tranquility, security and confidence.

From we wish that all our fishermen friends, lovers of the sea and nature, are in perfect condition and we are working with the hope and the hope that the reopening will begin soon, once the containment measures are relaxed.

Charter Inad - Fishing Barcelona


Port Fòrum
Moll de la Ronda
Pontoon C, Mooring 31
Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930


Phone: +34 651 91 29 10